Figure 3 The dropping point and evaporation loss of DPU-B greases4.3 Colloidal stabilityAs shown in Figure 4, the oil separation results (conical sieve method) of DPU-B greases were lessthan 5wt%, which indicated the good colloidal stability of these DPU-B greases. There was a significantcorrelation between oil separation and consistency of these DPU-B greases. Harder greases with smallercone penetration values had less oil separation. Sometimes I toss in an extra list of whatever else I’ve been into. A year after settling into a new home, I did some rust omni fegs shopping for some audio gear. The four items at top are ones I bought, at least one (one of the ZMFs) I plan to buy, and others I would buy if I could!
Anotheradvantage of Raman is that the best resolution reported so far, from about 20 to 50 nm, would be suitablefor chemical analysis on a molecular level. Lithium AvailabilityIt was reported at the 2017 NLGImeeting (9) that a significantshortage of lithium hydroxide forgrease manufacturing has beencaused by the spike in demand oflithium for batteries. In the last10 years, lithium ion batterieshave become the energy storagemedia of choice.
I’m not as thorough at keeping track of these, I basically dug through the new additions of CD rips and flac files in my MediaMonkey playlist until I got exhausted. Ten years after their debut, The Early Years evolves from shoegaze into gleaming Kosmische and post-punk/post-rock minimalism. If Joy Division had gotten deep into Neu/Cluster/Harmonia worship and retained the imperious vocal services of Ian Curtis, it might have been some sparkling, amazing cosmic music. This year the debut of the year award goes to Sir Robin & The Longbowmen. Most people won’t know who they are, but in my world, this German garage psych band is an exciting addition to the genre, and I hope they continue and tour.
Kedr Livanskiy, Russian for Lebanese Cedar, cites Autechre, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, Mazzy Star and synth pop videos on MTV as influences. Anohni is quite different from the torch songs I saw Antony perform 9 years ago, and as always offers some great lyrics. I’m not usually one to rate soundtrack music, but Stranger Things was a pretty special show, and the two volumes is worth checking out. I don’t mind their stealing from 80s era INXS, but after a few songs I need a break.
The Influence of Vehicle Electrification on Future
After years of finicky, cheap players with slow load times and problems playing discs, this thing was well worth the investment. The new player looks like a good deal too, though it does not have certain features like Netflix streaming that the 103 has. Reviews and friends have reassured me that it’ll be worth the slog through the early parts, but yeah, I can easily see this 1,280 page monster of a novel being like Joyce’s Ulysses, Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow or Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, books that more people have pretended to read than actually read.
Automation Intelligence refers to the development of hardware orsoftware that is capable of doing things automatically, without human intervention. The abbreviation ‘AI’can also mean Artificial Intelligence for machines that mimic learning, problem solving, and other types ofhuman cognition or mental activities.Chemistry is a leading area of breakthrough AI technology because technology related to chemicalanalysis can be developed, automated, and simplified rapidly. For instance, robots could replace humansin the workplace in predictable and/or dangerous environments like laboratories and factories, anddata collection and processing could be automated and utilize cloud data storage 10. With these twodevelopments, chemical analysis methods could be integrated within one multifunctional click-to-rundevice for chemical investigation on micro- and/or nanoscales.
- One of the best bangs for the buck was the beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro headphones, which in many ways surpasses their T1 flagship (reviewed here).
- The rate of degradationapproximately doubles forevery 10 °C (18 °F) increase inoperating temperature above80 °C (175 °F).
- While I get that apocalyptic British psych prog is not exactly trending right now, it’s still a major disappointment not to see it on any other year-end list so far.
- Kathie taughtme that people are different, and thatconsideration and mindfulness go avery long way in building teamwork.
Raman spectra clearly show a map of thedistribution of materials in an emulsion. The emulsifier, polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR), surroundsdroplets of an aqueous phase (blue) dispersed in a mixture of two fats. The emulsifier (yellow) interactswith fat II (green) but not fat I (red), which forms clumps. In greases, there could be similar distributionsof oils, additives, and thickeners caused by their interactions.
While optical and conventional(tungsten) Scanning ElectronMicroscopes (SEM) provide highresolution imaging of surfaces formany types of samples, only a fieldemission SEM (FEG-SEM) can revealthe finest details.The morphology of nanoparticles,small defects in thin films, insulatingmaterials, or materials sensitive tohigh energy electron beams can allbe adequately studied using a FEGSEM. However, FEG-SEM systems arelarge—they often require a dedicatedroom as well as special infrastructureand connections. The desktop PhenomPharos enables research groups orcompanies to own their own FEG-SEMand no longer rely on external services.
I also think critical favorites Cate Le Bon, Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam, Jeff Rosenstock, Angel Olsen and Car Seat Headrest made good albums. Quickstep’s Chief Executive Officer,Mark Burgess, said the company’smanufacturing abilities are a milestone.“We are extremely proud of the trustand confidence placed in us by leadingglobal aerospace OEM, the US DoD andthe Australian DoD.”“We have built a reputation for excellentdelivery, quality and cost performanceand look forward to securing moreproduction opportunities on F–35 andother advanced aerospace platforms,”he said. This indicates that the magnetism is hardto be modulated by traditional gate-voltage.Co-author Guolin Zheng explained it was worth the time,despite the high charge density in Fe5GeTe2.“We knew it was worth trying to tune the material viaprotonic gating, as we have previously achieved in Fe5GeTe2,because protons can easily penetrate into the interlayer andinduce large charge doping, without damaging the latticestructure.” said Zheng. • Ease-of-use with an intuitive userinterface on a widescreen, 24 inchmonitor •Q uick installation (40% faster than theprevious version) speeding time toresults• I ntegrated power supply androbust parts designed to ensurereproducible dataStill Not Excited About The Pharos?
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All of these EVshad conventional wheel bearings,steering mechanisms, andsuspension joints with customarygreases.The bearings on the electricmotors were grease lubricated, sothis is an area of increased greaseuse on the EVs, albeit only a fewgrams more than other types ofvehicles. Thisvolume is predicted to increase to24,800 metric tons in 2020 andto 48,700 metric tons in 2025.This lithium volume for batteriesalone is larger than the projectedsupply volume (10).If the lithium shortage bitesfurther, it may force customersto use alternatives to lithiumgreases. In North America,considerable amounts ofautomotive greases are thickenedwith lithium complex or ureaderivatives. The North Americanmarket has spare capacityto make urea greases. Theautomotive industry has littleexperience using other lithiumgrease substitutes such ascalcium sulfonate and aluminumcomplex greases. Shared UseHowever, with increased useof public transportation by themillennial generation, vehiclepools and driver services, anddecreased use of private cars,it is anticipated that operatingconditions and durabilityrequirements for private carsmay change.
Kathie taughtme that people are different, and thatconsideration and mindfulness go avery long way in building teamwork. Sid StoneMay 3rd 1947 – January 16th 2019It is with the deepest regret that we announce the untimelydeath of our dear friend, Mr. Sid Stone. Many of you willhave known Sid and his late wife Janet from many of ourevents over the years. Sid worked most of his workinglife in the lubricants industry and travelled the worlddeveloping business and, over that time, he establishedseveral of his own companies. Still actively involved in the industry, hedied on the 16th of January 2019.
IsPopulated returns true if the currency pair have both non-empty values forbase and quote. After all these years, and after the pretty disappointing album The King Of Limbs, Radiohead are still huge with an audience who will follow them anywhere. I was especially excited when I detected a wee bit of psych prog in their latest, but not enough to put in that category. But remember when they couldn’t stop praising electronica artists like Autechre and everything on the Warp label? Now it would feel really appropriate if they took Wolf People and Syd Arthur on tour and talked them up.
- The Deakin research team is also exploring other potentiallubricin sensor applications, including the testing of waterquality, fire retardant detection and use in the food andbeverage industry.
- From Alex KingsburyI never set out to be a materialsresearcher, but here we are!
- Materials Australia membersare involved in all aspects ofmaterials science, technologyand engineering.
- This providesadded flexibility and extends orincreases the useful service life of yourinstrument.
- Born in an orthodox Muslim family in Oakland, running with various gangs, getting Prince’s attention with his music and signed to Interscope in the 90s, but suffering a serious accident that cause a coma.
- It’s hard to keep up with genre names sometimes, and for some reason the French artist who has gone by the name as Perturbator since 2012 is dubbed “synthwave” and “horror synth.” In other words, electro pop with a dark vibe, and a much more interesting and involving listening experience than the Stranger Things soundtracks.
- Perhaps partly because it had become a sort of default “starter” genre for kids first dabbling with music.
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I did not have high hopes for the Pixies’ reunion album, Head Carrier, which isn’t terrible, but it also a far, far, far cry from their previous greatness. They would do well to take notes from Kim Deal, who has done much better in putting out quality albums with The Breeders. More people seem to like the latest Wire album, Nocturnal Koreans, but I can’t get into it. Quickstep’s defence contracts haveensured the company remains globallycompetitive.
“Being able to easily see if somethingis going wrong would reduce the needfor frequent dressing changes and helpto keep wounds better protected,” DrTruong, who is also a Vice-Chancellor’sPostdoctoral Fellow at RMIT, explained.The research team hopes that withfurther studies, multifunctionaldressings could become part of a newgeneration of low-cost, magnesiumbased technologies for advancedwound care. The knowledge of alloys and how theymelt and solidify was the basis uponwhich we could catapult the field ofmetal additive manufacturing.However, there were also somedifferences; building a part from a 3Dmodel, using a layer by layer process,leads to a very different thermal history.Having the most similarities withwelding, suddenly the joining processwas the process. And while weldingalloys are largely very suitable foradditive manufacturing, particularities inthe process mean that alloy chemistries,designed around this new thermalhistory and solidification regime, simplyperform better. Alex Kingsbury is an AdditiveManufacturing Industry Fellow atRMIT University, where she works toenhance links between industry andthe university. These links extendacross research, and teaching andlearning functions at the university.Previously, Alex was the Research GroupLeader for Additive Manufacturingand the Director of CSIRO’s AdditiveManufacturing Innovation Centre‘Lab22’—a metal additive manufacturingcentre for industry access and researchand development.