
Strategic Analysis Overview, Examples, Levels of Strategy

industry analysis in strategic management

At the highest level, corporate strategy involves high-level strategic decisions that will help a company sustain a competitive advantage and remain profitable in the foreseeable future. Starting from industry analysis in strategic management the beginning, a company needs to complete an environmental analysis of its current strategies. Internal environment considerations include issues such as operational inefficiencies, employee morale, and constraints from financial issues. External environment considerations include political trends, economic shifts, and changes in consumer tastes. A strategy is a plan of actions taken by managers to achieve the company’s overall goal and other subsidiary goals.

Once you have defined the industry, the next step is to assess its size and growth potential. Market size refers to the total revenue generated by the industry, while growth potential indicates the expected expansion rate. Assess their importance based on the likelihood of them happening and their potential impact on the company. Also, consider whether management has the intention and ability to take advantage of the opportunity/avoid the threat. According to Porter, analysis of the five forces gives an accurate impression of the industry and makes analysis easier.

Porter’s Five Forces framework can be applied to analyze the competitive environment of any industry. Here’s an example for the manufacturing industry based on the Deloitte 2024 Manufacturing Industry Outlook. When buyers can meet their needs with an alternative product or service from a different industry, it limits how high your industry can set its prices.

What is Porter’s Five Forces

  1. With so many options, consumers can push for better prices, higher quality, and even more sustainable practices.
  2. Short-term factors that affect competition and profitability should be distinguished from the competitive forces that form the underlying structure of an industry.
  3. Emerging technologies could disrupt industry value chains if competitors integrate them faster.
  4. Technological factors look at innovations, adoption rates, R&D trends, and developments that disrupt the industry.

This analysis considers the economic, social, technological, political, and environmental aspects that shape the industry’s landscape. By delving into these elements, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business, as well as the opportunities and threats present in the market. It provides perspective into inherent industry profit potential shaped by competitive forces. High barriers to entry, lack of close substitute products, dispersed suppliers and buyers with low bargaining power, and minimal competitive rivalry implies higher profit potential.

Data Interpretation and Analysis

By conducting strategic analysis, companies can gain valuable insights into what’s working well and what areas need improvement. These valuable insights become key inputs for the strategic planning process, helping businesses make well-informed decisions to thrive and grow. Strategic analysis is the process of researching and analyzing an organization along with the business environment in which it operates to formulate an effective strategy.

industry analysis in strategic management

How To Apply Porter’s Five Forces Framework?

Just select an industry and follow the above steps to do the analysis in reality and write a report. If we happen to sit for an interview for an organization of the same industry, present the report along with our resume. We see how much value addition would be for us during the interview and how it will help us uplift our candidature in front of the interviewers. Given the pace of change in the business world, I strongly believe you need strategy at the center of your management process to ensure you’re achieving your goals. I met with a manager at a large media corporation who inquired if ClearPoint could provide insights on its media campaigns, similar to what data visualization software like Tableau offers. This gives you the complete data story—both high-level and detailed information—within one platform.

Story #1: Strategic Analysis Vs. Operational Data

A highly concentrated supply base with few large companies indicates potential supplier strength. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix evaluates competitive position based on market share and growth rate. Industry players are categorized as stars, cash cows, dogs, or question marks.

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